HVAC Maintenance

Air Conditioning, HVAC Maintenance

The Benefits of Duct Sealing

Put simply: aerosol duct sealing is a process that uses polymers (long, binding molecules) to seal up leaks, holes or misalignments in your ductwork, thus improving the air deliverability of heat, ventilation and air conditioning in your home. The question is though: will it save you money? The answer is: yes, probably. There is a chance your ducts are completely fine, but according to Energy Star the typical American home loses 20-30% of the conditioned air that travels through the ducts. This is due to improper sealing, which has then caused leaks, gaps and loose connections. In fact, it would not be unimaginable to find out your home’s air distribution has a leakage percentage as high as 50%, that is how common and unchecked this issue is. Read on to discover the benefits of aerosol sealing and the possible signs your home’s ducts need help.

If your home was built before 2000 there is a very high probability your ductwork was installed improperly. These were wild times when energy costs were low and nobody knew or really cared about the negative impact high energy consumption had on the environment. Ductwork was not the priority and we are bearing that bottom line now.  

One of the problems is, most homeowners assume their HVAC equipment is to blame when it isn’t working properly. When in reality the equipment is tip-top and poor ductwork is the culprit. 

These signs might help you determine that your ducts are the issue.

  • Musty smells
  • Uneven temperatures in different rooms
  • Too much humidity
  • Energy bills that are inordinately high
  • Excessive dust accumulation

Lower energy bills is not the only benefit to sealing with Aerosol. Improved airflow will result in cleaner, healthier air and a more comfortable home. Holes and gaps in the ducts force the system to operate under a negative pressure meaning dirt, dust, fiberglass and more could be circulated all around your home. 

Aerosol sealing helps in many ways, it will:

  • Increase your comfort throughout every room in your home
  • Lower your energy consumption which is good for your wallet and the environment
  • Improve the air quality making the air your family breathes cleaner and healthier
  • Provide you with a Pre and Post leakage measurements, so you know your time and money was worth it. 

Aerosol duct sealing is a safe and effective option for your home’s air duct issues. The ingredients in the sealant are those often found in hairspray and chewing gum and are indeed nontoxic and safe for your ducts. It could be a game-changer to fixing any HVAC issues you might have in your home. Call us at Luxury Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment and find out whether your home would benefit from Aerosol duct sealing. Stay warm out there!

Air Conditioning, HVAC Maintenance, Indoor Air Quality

HVAC Maintenance vs. Coronavirus: How to Stay Safe & Comfortable

Lives everywhere have been upended as the world reels from the coronavirus pandemic. Gatherings have been called off, businesses have been shuttered and people are advised to stay home whenever possible. As the government continues to preach social distancing on every available screen, it is understandable that you would be wary allowing another person into your home. However, that being said, the verity of the matter is: nobody sent a pandemic memo to your HVAC system, therefore unfortunately, it could still break down. Preventative maintenance is the answer; and we, on the other hand, are much more considerate than your HVAC system. We have taken steps to ensure your health, safety, and overall comfort in these difficult times.

As inconsiderate as it would be for your system to break down right now, these stay-at-home orders only mean more work for your system, thus maintenance has never been more crucial. Take the significant extra hours spent at home, add the soaring temperatures on the forecast, and a bonus side of allergy season to create the perfect scenario for disaster.

Fear not valued customer! Simple preventative maintenance will reduce the likelihood of untimely breakdown and repairs.

  • Fact: properly maintained equipment maximizes the life expectancy of your system, $100 now could save you thousands later, not to mention the headache that comes with an unexpected premature replacement.

Over and above the financial benefits of HVAC maintenance there are other advantages to getting ahead of the problem.

One being: it will improve the quality of the air circulated throughout your home. Any standard HVAC maintenance would change the furnace filter regularly; but did you know dust and debris don’t only collect on the filter?

  • Any moving part in your system can accumulate dust, meaning we could find particles inside your air ducts, the condensing unit and even inside the furnace itself.
  • Bad news: dust buildup means dust gets circulated into the air you breathe.

The next being: it will reduce your energy usage and costs.

  • Yes, I know I said “over and above the financial” but saving money can never be ignored. Maintaining your system will ensure it’s operating at peak efficiency, bringing down the amount of energy you use and, in turn, the amount you pay for it.

The health and safety of our customers is vital to us.

That’s why in these extraordinary times, we’re taking safety precautions to ensure that we can provide the same level of service that you’ve come to expect from us without breaking the need for social distancing. Each of our trained and certified technicians are following CDC guidelines for health and safety and they’ll arrive at your home with:

  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Disposable latex gloves
  • Face masks
  • Shoe covers

Open communication can also be constructive. Discussing any worries you might have with us beforehand can help get both parties on the same page and create a safe situation for everyone.

The toll this virus has taken on the world appears boundless. Whether it be your health, livelihood, savings, or sanity it seems no one was spared. Regardless, we understand times are tough and money may be tight. Yet, the fact of the matter is, right now, your home is your only refuge, and discomfort in your only place of refuge might just take the last ounce of your sanity. We are offering comfort, good indoor air quality and peace of mind in the form of simple, preventative maintenance. Book you maintenance appointment with us today.

Energy Savings, Heating, HVAC Maintenance, Indoor Air Quality

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Days are getting shorter and nights are getting colder, which means fall is officially here. Get your home winter-ready while putting your mind at ease with our maintenance checklist.

Clean Gutters

Make sure your gutters are clear of any leaves, sticks and other debris.


Drafty windows and doors can account for as much as 10% of your heating bills.  Weather-stripping is an easy and affordable way to make your home more comfortable and efficient.

Turn Off & Drain Outdoor Plumbing

Don’t forget to detach garden hoses, turn off water supply, as well as drain outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems.

Change Filter

Changing your furnace filter every 3 months, not only improves your indoor air quality, but also helps to reduce your home’s energy expenses and prolongs the life of your HVAC system.

Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

Reduce the likelihood of expected heating breakdowns and repairs by having your furnace cleaned and inspected yearly.  Annual maintenance also helps to maximize the performance and efficiency of your system.

Clean the Fireplace and Chimney

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, make sure you have it cleaned and inspected before use.

Take Safety Precautions

The batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 6 months.  Also keep in mind that the average life expectancy of a smoke alarm is 8-10 years and 5 years for CO detectors.

Trusted for over 70 years, Luxury Heating Company is your one-stop shop for all of your indoor comfort needs.

Air Conditioning, Energy Savings, HVAC Maintenance

Easy Spring Energy Saving Tips

If you’re like most homeowners, you’re probably always looking for ways to reduce your monthly expenses.  Especially when it feels like the cost of services is constantly on the rise.  The cable bill that was once $59 is now $159, same goes for your utilities and many other expenses.  Reducing your energy consumption in the spring is easier than you think.  The experts at Luxury Heating Co. have put together 10 easy spring energy saving tips to help you stop wasting and start saving!

  1. Open your windows – Why run the air conditioner when you can take advantage of natural ventilation?  Often times, opening windows can create a cross breeze effect that flows naturally throughout your home to keep you cool and comfortable.  During warmer temperatures you can open your windows in the evening taking advantage of cooler overnight temperatures, then close your windows in the morning to keep in the cool and keep out the warmth.
  2. Run your ceiling fans – In case you didn’t know, most ceiling fans have two modes, forward and reverse. In the spring / summer, you can set the fan’s circulation mode to forward (counter-clockwise motion) for a wind-chill cooling effect.  In the winter set your fan’s circulation mode to reverse (clockwise motion), at a low speed, producing an updraft that gently pushes warm air that naturally rises to the ceiling back down into occupied space.
  3. Caulk air leaks – Did you know you can cut your energy costs by up to 30% just by sealing cracks and openings in your home?  Air leakage causes cool air to escape and hot air to penetrate. If you uncover sources of air leakage, you can seal the openings with a clear or paintable caulk.
  4. Install or adjust your window treatments – On hot days, you can reduce your home’s solar heat gain, by closing your blinds. When the sunlight shines in,  it’s indirectly heating the interior of your home, causing your air conditioner to work harder and longer to cool your space.
  5. Choose energy-saving lighting – using ENERGY STAR certified products can save the average home nearly $750 over the lifetime of the product.
  6. Reduce energy for water heating – Some water heater manufacturers recommend keeping your water heater set at 140˚F, by lowering this temperature to 120˚F, you can save up to 10% on your annual water heating costs.
  7. Cook outside – Most people don’t need an excuse to be outside when the weather is nice.  But cooking outside can have more benefits than just great food.  It can also prevent your stovetop or oven from making your indoor space warmer than it should be.
  8. Install a programmable or smart wi-fi thermostat – Utilizing the scheduling and advanced programming features on your thermostat can help you save up to 15% per year on heating & cooling costs.
  9. Replace the air filter in your furnace – Dirty air filters can restrict an HVAC system’s air flow, making it work harder and less efficiently to distribute tempered air throughout your home. Replacing your filter once every few months will not only help your system operate more efficiently, but it will lower your HVAC’s energy consumption by up to 15%.
  10. HVAC maintenance – spring is the best time to have an HVAC professional perform a maintenance check on your air conditioner. Yearly cooling inspections help your air conditioning system to operate more efficiently and effectively as well as prevent against unexpected costly breakdowns.